Delegation Model – Admin Area or Tier0

The Delegation Model – Admin Area or Tier0 will host all objects required by the delegation model to operate as mentioned in this design. This is the container holding all the objects needed for domain administration, regardless of the Area/Tier where they belong to. This includes:

  • Built-In Administrator
  • the privileged groups (as Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins)
  • all users/groups used to delegate rights and administrative tasks
  • all service accounts, etc.

This area, meaning OU sub-tree, is effectively Tier0.

All the domain administration and delegation, while having a well-defined and organized structure, will live in this area, managed and maintained by the infrastructure owners. We will achieve this by sub-dividing the objects into functional containers. This area should be as restrictive as possible while maintaining the operational level.


This OU (Delegation Model – Admin Area or Tier0) consolidates and secures all privileged identities while delegating tasks and rights to each of the objects of the domain.
As a good start, the 1st level OU (called in this document Admin OU, being the equivalent of Tier0) has to be secure. We do this by modifying the SACL’s (Security Access Control List) of the OU. Modifying the default inheritance is a must, and the legacy compatibility groups removed. Additionally, the standard operational groups must be removed as well. We need to create other groups for the specific and secured operation of this area.

Once we create and secure the “root”, we must define additional sub-containers for the proper management of the environment. These containers should include Users, Groups, Service Accounts, Management Computers and the redirected User and Computer containers. When deciding the number of sub-containers, we have to keep it as simple as possible, while committing our goals. If our goal is fulfill with a single OU, then adding additional containers will barely help, but will make our operational costs higher and will jeopardize our security.

Delegation Model - Admin Area or Tier0

Once the root OU exists and secured, we can create all the required sub-OUs. Having enabled inheritance from the custom OU mentioned. Auditing must be enable and implemented for every object within this area. Only Infra Admins have the right to create and delete OUs within the domain.

After the creation of the Sub-OUs, we must create extra groups within is corresponding container. Some of these groups will have the delegated ability to manage objects in this area.

When deciding the number of sub-containers, we have to keep it as simple as possible, while committing our goals. If our goal can be fulfilled with a single OU, then adding additional container will barely help, but will make our operational costs higher and will jeopardize our security.

The root OU of this area will not inherit the default security of the domain. Instead it will be copied and remove Account Operators &Print Operators from the Access Control Lists. Then all the required sub-OU will be created, now having enabled inheritance from the custom OU just mentioned. Auditing must be enabled and implemented for every object within this area. Only Infra Admins have the right to create and delete OUs within the domain.

After the creation of the Sub-OUs, additional groups must be created within is corresponding container. Some of these groups will have the delegated ability to manage objects in this area.

Global Groups of the Delegation Model

Security Principal Description
SG_InfraAdmins Full rights on all Active Directory infrastructure
SG_ADAdmins Partial rights on all Active Directory infrastructure
SG_T0SA Service Account for Tier 0 / Admin Area
SG_T1SA Service Account for Tier 1 / Servers Area
SG_T2SA Service Account for Tier 2 / Sites Area
SG_Tier0Admins Administrators group for Tier 0 / Admin Area
SG_Tier1Admins Administrators group for Tier 1 / Servers Area
SG_Tier2Admins Administrators group for Tier 2 / Sites Area
SG_DfsAdmin Full Rights to administer DFS
SG_GpoAdmin Full Rights to administer GPO
SG_PkiAdmin Full Rights to administer CA
SG_PkiTemplateAdmin Full Rights to administer CA Templates
SG_AllGalAdmins Delegated Limited general rights on all sites
SG_AllSiteAdmins Limited general rights on all sites
SG_Operation Limited rights on all Servers
SG_ServiceDesk Password rights and AllGALAdmin rights on all sites
SG_ServerAdmin Full administrative rights on servers
SG_GlobalGroupAdmin Full Group administrative rights on all sites
SG_GlobalUserAdmin Full user administrative rights on all sites
SG_GlobalPcAdmin Full computer administrative rights on all sites


Domain Local Groups of the Delegation Model

Security Principal Description
SL_InfraRights Delegated full rights to all AD infrastructure
SL_AdRights Delegated partial rights to all AD infrastructure
SL_PUM Rights for Privileged User management
SL_PGM Right for Privileged Group management
SL_PISM Right for Privileged Infrastructure management
SL_PAWM Right for Privileged Access Workstation management
SL_DirReplRights Right for Privileged Directory Replication Rights
SL_PkiRights Right for Privileged Public Key Infrastructure management
SL_PkiTemplateRights Right for Privileged Public Key Infrastructure Template management
SL_DfsRights Right for Privileged DFS management
SL_GpoAdminRights Right for Privileged GPO management
SL_UM Rights for User Management
SL_GM Rights for Group Management
SL_PSAM Rights for Service Account Management
SL_InfrastructureServers >Rights for ALL Infrastructure Servers
SL_PAWs Rights for ALL PAWs
SL_SvrAdmRight Rights for server management
SL_SvrOpsRight Rights for server operation management
SL_GlobalAppAccUserRight Rights for Global Aplication Access Users
SL_GlobalGroupRight Rights for Global Group Management


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